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Not everyone gets to build their new house, an exciting, once in a lifetime opportunity for most people, certainly for me, but one for which I was ill-prepared. One of my first challenges was to “instruct the electrical contractor” – a meeting was duly set up, I knew what I wanted, putting it into words was a different story. But I needn’t have worried … Nick from NGA turned up (on time) armed with 2 catalogues, perfect! It wasn’t long before I sussed that here was someone who not only had extensive product knowledge but also that indefinable creativity and flair, and able to relate all of this to me, a complete novice, in words of one syllable. My confidence soared. The layout and quotes came back promptly and work got underway. Throughout the whole project, NGA did what they said they would, turned up on time, kept me fully informed of everything that was going on and stayed on schedule. I remember Nick saying very early on that lighting can make the home – certainly the design features made mine and attract many compliments from visitors, and even night-time passers-by whose attention has been grabbed by the atmospheric ground lights. Well done NGA for first class service at all levels and good luck with your future business.

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